Welcome to CEbetter
a division of Career Education Systems, Inc.
Please note: online courses must be taken on a desktop or laptop with browsers that support Adobe Flash.
CEbetter was designed for those people that want more than to just meet the minimum requirements to renew their license and get a certificate. CEbetter is for those people that believe that if they are going to spend 12 hours in front of a computer, they want to get their money's worth.

CEbetter is a highly interactive form of education which is quite similar to what you would actually find in the Career Education Systems classrooms. Rather than just reading words, you will actually hear the voice of one of Career Education Systems' senior instructors explaining in depth just what the issues are and how they impact your life as a real estate licensee. Every few minutes you will even have some sample questions to take which makes the final exam at the end of the three hour course a breeze. Then, just print your certificate.
Don't understand something? Just e-mail the question to the instructors at CEbetter and receive a personalized answer in a relatively short time.
More courses, actual instructors, better material, and actual answers to your questions. All this AND MORE make CEbetter the best choice you can make.